At SPW Economy, Employment, Research (SPW EER), we implement the decisions of the Walloon government and coordinate European Union programmes relating to the economy, employment and research. We also advise the government on its economic and social policy. Our mission is to stimulate business start-ups, encourage economic growth, guarantee quality jobs, support innovation and ensure compliance with the law.
What are we doing about business creation?
With regard to entrepreneurship, we are setting up initiatives to simplify the business creation process. We are investing in business start-up infrastructures such as incubators, creative hubs, saaces and the CEI. We also grant business vouchers to aspiring entrepreneurs, who can then receive expert support to turn their business plans into reality.
How do we support business growth?
We support the growth of Walloon businesses through a range of tools. Thanks to business vouchers and incubators, businesses can receive expert support in their growth projects, such as diversifying their activities, acquiring new markets, digitising their internal procedures, seeking financing or optimising their resources. In addition, we grant investment incentives to finance their infrastructure projects or the acquisition of new equipment. In terms of financing, we administer European funds that are given to local bodies for distribution to businesses in the form of financing.
At the same time, we encourage collaboration and exchange within the Walloon economic fabric by funding clusters and competitiveness clusters. We also maintain and feed a database of Walloon companies and manage Walloon business parks.
Finally, in the event of roadworks impacting a company's activities, we provide compensation for lost sales.
What are we doing to revitalise city centres?
We support towns and municipalities in their efforts to revitalise city centres. We offer our services to assess the economic vitality of these areas and propose solutions to revitalise them. Furthermore, we grant incentives to city centre development agencies (ADCV) to support their projects.
A priority: the social economy
Finally, we pay particular attention to the social economy, which puts people before profit. We coordinate several tools to support the creation, growth and management of these businesses.
What are we doing to regulate the Walloon economy?
In terms of regulation, we manage access to the profession through the central jury and the granting of butcher's licences. We also coordinate requests for water price increases in Walloon municipalities.
Finally, we manage export, import and transit licences for arms and dual-use goods.
How can we guarantee the proper use of public money?
We are the guarantors of the proper use of public money in Wallonia. Our Economic and Social Inspection Service is part of the policy of verifying compliance with obligations and regulations promoted by SPW Economy Employment Research.
Within this framework, the Inspection Service can carry out on-site inspections to verify and ensure compliance with economic legislation. Among other things, it ensures that subsidised Walloon companies and ASBLs comply with the conditions for authorising and granting financial aid awarded by the Walloon Region and/or co-financed by European funds.
This involves:- the prevention of irregularities and fraud: by advising, reinforcing and encouraging compliance with conditions and regulations, and deterring any misappropriation;
- the detection of irregularities and fraud: reframing and improving practices;
- the application of corrective measures: by suspending or withdrawing authorisations or approvals, or by recovering sums wrongly paid, in the event of non-compliance with the conditions for granting financial aid.
- penalties: by punishing fraud, fraudulent intent and certain forms of exploitation, in collaboration with the judiciary and/or the administrative fines department.
In addition to economic issues, the Inspection Service is also involved on the social front, combating certain forms of exploitation. In particular, it ensures compliance with current regulations on employment and vocational training (foreign workers, service vouchers, socio-professional integration centres, etc.).
Discover the role of SPW's economic and social inspectors (FR)
The other areas covered by SPW Economy Employment Research

Employment and training
This department promotes job creation, fights exclusion, encourages training, supports young people, promotes sustainable economic development and participates in Wallonia's Recovery Plan.
Research and innovation
This department supports applied research and innovation for companies, universities, colleges and research centres. It manages calls for projects and helps people participate in research programmes.
Licences for arms and dual-use goods
This department analyses applications for licences and authorisations for civilian weapons, military equipment and dual-use goods and technologies.
Arms & dual-use goods and technologiesFind out more
Find out more about our missions and structure on the Wallonia Public Service (SPW) website.