Obtaining a commercial establishment permit

Are you planning to build or extend an existing business? Or perhaps you are planning to change the nature of your commercial activities? In these situations, you may need a permit. This will depend on the nature of your business, the scale of your project, and its potential impact on the environment.

Since 1 August 2024, the commercial establishment permit has been integrated into planning permission. We are no longer responsible for this area, which is now managed by our colleagues in the Department of Land Use Planning and Urbanism within SPW Territory, Housing, Heritage, Energy.

Appeal procedure for files submitted before 1 August 2024

For all files submitted before this date, the appeal procedure remains as described in this document:    Appeals against commercial establishment permits and integrated permits: who? how?

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Who is it for? How? Read about the details

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For more information


Visit the SPW Territory website

Planning permission is required if you are intending to build, demolish, renovate or convert a building. Permission is also required for landscaping modifications, the creation of a depot or the installation of a sign.

Conditions and procedures