Creative Hubs, places for innovation

Creative Hubs offer project leaders and businesses everything they need to stimulate innovation: infrastructure, equipment, creative methodologies, skills and community support to move from idea to project and from project to prototyping. Once a project has been developed, it can then be taken on by other support mechanisms.

Hub créatif AdobeStock_216576334.chapo.jpeg (Young creative business people meeting at office.)

What is a Creative Hub?

Hubs are places where you can test your ideas and turn your business project into reality. Equipped with specially adapted machines (Fablab), they encourage collective competitiveness and the sharing of audiences, while offering individual and collective support for the ideation, design and testing of products and services. The attractiveness of hubs also rests on their ability to mobilise and stimulate an active community. 

What do Creative Hubs do?

  • Interactive workshops to develop your ideas by confronting them with customer perspectives, testing them with potential users and checking their suitability for the market;
  • Practical workshops to learn techniques and methods that boost creativity;
  • Brainstorming and collaborative work sessions to generate ideas and develop solutions together;
  • Easier access to your local Fablab, to create prototypes before considering large-scale production;
  • Communications support to promote the region's creative initiatives (platform);
  • Referring projects to local structures adapted to their level of maturity and needs.

What are Wallonia's Creative Hubs?

If you would like to find out more about the conditions and services offered by the hubs, please contact them directly. There are currently 7 Creative Hubs in Wallonia:

HUB - wapsHub.jpg


Wap's Hub, the Creative Hub of Picardy Wallonia
Rue Madame 14
7500 Tournai, Belgique


HUB-Open Hub.png


OpenHub, focused on prototyping services
Av. Georges Lemaitre 2
1348 Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve
+32 10 47 81 23


logo-Cap innove.jpgInno Hub BW by CAP Innove
Zoning Sud zone II
Rue de l'Industrie 20
1400 Nivelles
+32 67 88 36 11


CEI LLN - logo.pngInno Hub BW by CEI Louvain
Chemin du Cyclotron 6
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve



TRAKK, the Namur Hub
Av. Reine Astrid 16
5000 Namur


HUB-Plug R.jpgPlug-R, the Liège Hub
Rue Lambert-Lombard 5
4000 Liège
+32 473 78 61 32




Charleroi Métropole Creative Hub (Hub-C)
Bd Pierre Mayence 1
6000 Charleroi




Le CLICK, the Mons Hub
Bd Initialis 30
7000 Mons


Logo ecube.pngE-cube, le hub luxembourgeois 

E-cube by e-Square E-cube by IDELUX
Rue Victor Libert 36 J
6900 Marche-en-Famenne
+32 491 96 33 65
Drève de l'Arc-en-Ciel 98
6700 Arlon
+32 63 23 18 11






How do Creative Hubs fit into Wallonia's strategy? 

The hubs system has been integrated into the regional strategies for innovation (Smart Specialisation Strategy) and the circular economy (Circular Wallonia).