Obtaining financial support

Have you studied every aspect of your business project and are you ready to launch? Are you short of funds to turn your idea into reality? Young companies often find it harder to obtain the capital they need. This is why Wallonia offers financing solutions that complement the offers of financial institutions.

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Investment aids

Do you perform a professional activity as a natural or legal person? Do you have an investment project? Wallonia may grant you investment aid that will vary depending on various criteria. Find out about the different types of aid, the main conditions for eligibility, and the steps you need to take.

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Support measures for social economy businesses

Do you have a cooperative or social economy business project? Is the purpose of your project to meet society's needs, rather than focusing on profit? In Wallonia, the social economy benefits from specific support through various schemes and measures, including approvals, subsidies and tax breaks. Explore these options and find out if your project could benefit from them.

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Equity investments

Own capital is provided in exchange for a share in the company. Investors become shareholders or partners in the company. They are part owners and therefore have the right to participate in important decisions. This solution is ideal for growing companies, start-ups in need of funds to develop their activities, high-investment projects, research and development, and so on.

In Wallonia, Wallonie Entreprendre is the economic and financial tool supporting businesses.

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Micro-credit and small loans

This solution is designed to facilitate access to credit from your bank. Eligible companies can obtain micro-credit (max. €25,000) and small loans (max. €100,000), in conjunction with private financing.  

Applications are submitted directly by the partner banks. They will check with you that your application is eligible. In Wallonia, these funds are managed by Wallonie Entreprendre.

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There are also two organisations financed by Wallonia: 

microStart Crédal

Funds to reduce your carbon footprint

You can apply for an Easy'Green loan if your project aims to reduce the carbon footprint of your current or future building or activities. 

This solution is managed by Wallonie Entreprendre.

Easy'Green en détails

Optional subsidies

Optional subsidies are financial aid granted by ministerial decision. The Minister determines the beneficiary and the amount of the subsidy on a case-by-case basis. Subsidies are awarded in various fields, such as the economy, mobility, the environment and regional development. At SPW Economy Employment Research, we are responsible for monitoring subsidies linked to the economy, but it is the Minister for the Economy who decides on the optional subsidies they award. 

In the interests of transparency, there is a register of all the subsidies granted by Wallonia. 

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What does the Government of Wallonia do?
Who are the members of the Walloon Government?

To the Wallonia subsidy register