Support measures for social economy businesses

Do you have a cooperative or social economy business project? Is the purpose of your project to meet society's needs, rather than focusing on profit? In Wallonia, the social economy benefits from specific support through various schemes and measures, including approvals, subsidies and tax breaks. Explore these options and find out if your project could benefit from them.

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What is the social economy?

The social economy is a different way of doing business, one that prioritises people. The main objective is to make a positive contribution to society by creating local, sustainable and meaningful jobs. Most profits are reinvested into the project, with participatory governance.

What are the 4 principles of the social economy?

The social economy is an alternative to the conventional economy and is based on 4 principles:

  • the purpose of the service is to members and the community rather than for profit;
  • the primacy of people and labour over capital in the distribution of profit: social economy businesses reinvest their profits into the development of their activities to increase their social impact, rather than paying their shareholders; 
  • management independence in relation to the public authorities;
  • a democratic decision-making process: when strategic decisions are made at the General Meeting, each member is entitled to one vote, regardless of the amount they have invested in the company's capital. This is the one person, one vote principle. 

These 4 principles are included in the decree governing the social economy

What is a cooperative?

Cooperatives offer an alternative to conventional businesses. They aim to serve their members or the community rather than generate profit. In this context, the capital needed to run the business is only a means to an end and not an end in itself. 

By definition, a cooperative is an autonomous association of individuals who voluntarily come together to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a collectively-owned business that is run democratically.

Find out more about their characteristics, and the incorporation and approval formalities on the FPS Economy website.

What support is available for social economy businesses in Wallonia?

In Wallonia, the social economy is supported by various measures. If you are planning to starting a business in this sector, you can:

Approvals and subsidies managed by SPW

At the Walloon Public Service (SPW), our support measures take two main forms: either an approval that entitles you to benefits and subsidies, or a direct subsidy. 

  • An approval is, by definition, official recognition granted by an authority to a company, validating its status. In the context of the social economy, we ensure that your business meets the required criteria to obtain the desired approval. Once approved, your company can access various support measures. Obtaining approval is therefore a prerequisite for receiving certain types of aid.
  • A subsidy is financial aid awarded to support a specific project. 

Consult the different available aids to see if your business is eligible. On the following pages, you'll find detailed information on the conditions for each type of aid, the amounts financed, eligibility criteria and the application process.

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Social economy initiative

For projects with a social purpose and/or those aimed at promoting the socio-professional integration of low-skilled workers. 

This approval gives you access to employment benefits. 

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Insertion company

For companies that want to hire disadvantaged and severely disadvantaged workers and offer them sustainable, quality jobs. 

This approval gives you access to subsidies. 


Employment-development initiatives in the local social services sector (IDESS)

For companies offering affordable local services, such as small maintenance or repair jobs, social transport or cleaning services. 

This approval gives you access to multiple subsidies. 


Resale store

For businesses involved in the reuse and preparation for reuse of waste, products or components. 

This approval gives you access to multiple subsidies. 

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Social economy consultancy agencies

Companies that advise and support social economy businesses in creating, developing and professionalising their activities can receive approval, giving them access to a dual subsidy. 

You can also be supported by these companies specialised in this sector.


Social property management company

For property companies that acquire buildings to provide housing or rent spaces to social economy businesses. 

These companies can benefit from a subsidy

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Social economy pilot project

For social economy projects or projects to promote the social economy which are part of the Alternativ'ES Wallonia strategy.

These projects can benefit from financial aid to cover non-recurring needs.


Other measures to support staff recruitment

Social businesses can benefit from two additional measures to promote the integration of disadvantaged workers:

The SINE advantage

The SINE (Social Integration through Employment) advantage offers recognised employers two main benefits:

  • a reduction in National Office for Social Security (NOSS) employers' contributions;
  • financial aid from the National Employment Office (NEO) for payment of net salary (reintegration allowance).

These advantages apply when hiring unemployed individuals experiencing particular difficulties in finding a job.

Find out more

Request my SINE employer certificate

Provision of staff under Article 60§7, with an increased subsidy

Article 60§7 is a professional integration measure for those receiving income support (revenu d'intégration, RI) or the equivalent social assistance (ASE). It aims to help these individuals gain work experience and regain their entitlement to unemployment benefit.

The principle is simple: the public centre for social welfare (PCSW) hires someone receiving income support or equivalent social assistance for the maximum period necessary to restore full entitlement to unemployment benefit. 

The PCSW can then make this person available to a third party (another local authority, non-profit organisation, social economy business, private company, etc.). In this case, the PCSW remains the employer and the third party is called the "user". 

In the context of Article 60§7, the increased subsidy is a financial aid designed to support employers participating in this professional integration scheme. 

Find out more

Request my "social economy" employer certificate

Who can finance my project?

In addition to the support measures provided by Wallonia, several organisations offer financing solutions for social economy projects. 

Key actors in the social economy

Private organisations

Public organisations

Compare these financial organisations