Conference: The social economy at the heart of transitions

Conference: The social economy at the heart of transitions
économie sociale conférence
A dual ministerial and expert conference on the social economy was held on 12 and 13 February 2024 in Liège (Palais des Congrès).

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The ministerial component resulted in to 21 member states signing the "Liège Roadmap", marking an unprecedented consensus within the EU where no previous declaration had received such support. This declaration will have a significant influence on the European Commission's future social programme.

The 25 recommendations include:

  • Appoint a European Commissioner with the social economy as part of their portfolio;
  • Continue and strengthen the Social Economy Action Plan;
  • Recognise the social economy in national, European and international law;
  • Strengthen and stimulate funding tools for social economy organisations.

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Monday also saw the meeting of the Luxembourg Declaration Monitoring Committee during which the Committee's rules of procedure were adopted and Germany and Poland became members. The decision was made to set up a permanent secretariat and organise regular meetings. This committee will be the driving force behind the social economy in Europe, promoting its development within the EU member states that have joined it.  

The expert conference on the green, digital and inclusive transitions brought together over 500 European delegates for round tables, workshops and company visits. Participants were unanimous in their praise for the success of the event, both in terms of the choice of themes for the round tables and workshops and the company village and field visits.

Employees from the Directorate of the Social Economy represented the Walloon Public Service (SPW), answering questions from delegates and highlighting the values and work of the administration.

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Find out more 

Liège roadmap for social economy in the European Union (FR)

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