Getting the “SINE employer” certificate to benefit from “SINE” advantages


The SINE measure encourages the reintegration of unemployed individuals who are very difficult to place on the employment market. Employers in possession of the SINE “employer” certificate can request a reduction in their social-security contributions and financial assistance with the payment of the net salary from the National Employment Office (reintegration allowance).

To benefit from these advantages, you first need to get a “SINE” certificate from Service public de Wallonie (DGO6 – Social economy department), which certifies that the employer falls within the scope of SINE.

Key points
  • The relevant employee must satisfy certain criteria.
  • When should this process be performed? Before hiring takes place.
In detail
Target audience - details

Which employers can get the SINE certificate?

  • Social economy initiatives or integration companies that are approved under the Decree of 20 October 2016, concerning the approval of social economy initiatives and the approval and subsidisation of integration companies;
  • Specialised employment agencies or sheltered workshop belonging to the joint committee for specialised employment agencies and sheltered workshops;
  • Social-housing agencies, as outlined by the Decree from the Walloon Government of 17 March 1999, concerning the approval of social-housing agencies, as amended by the Decree of 13 December 2001;
  • Public-service housing agencies, as outlined by the Decree from the Walloon Regional Council of 29 October 1998;
  • Companies with a public-service vocation, as outlined in Article 661 of the Companies Code of 7 May 1999;
  • Local employment agencies;
  • An employer who organises employment-development initiatives in the local social-services sector (IDESS), as approved under Chapter II of the Decree from the Walloon government of 14 December 2006, concerning the approval and subsidisation of “employment-development initiatives in the local social-services sector”;
  • An employer who organises a “work-based training company" process, which comprises a real working situation involving the production of goods and services, in line with one or more professions and possibly including classes and apprenticeships (EFT pathway), which is approved as a socio-professional integration centre under the Decree of 10 July 2013 concerning socio-professional integration centres.

After obtaining this certificate, the employer can request a reduction in their social-security contributions and financial assistance with the payment of the net salary from the National Employment Office (reintegration allowance).


Employers who wants to benefit from the advantages of the SINE measure must first obtain a certificate that certifies that the employer falls within the scope of SINE. This certificate must be applied for by emailing and mentioning the applicant’s name, preceded by “SINE”, in the subject line. A hard copy is not required. Communication generally takes place via email. Supporting documents must also be sent via email (articles of association, scanned copy of their approval).

There are no fees associated with this procedure.

Currently, the only language that can be used for this process is French.

Any individual or legal entity, who believes that a Walloon administrative authority or the French Community of Belgium has not acted in accordance with their public-service obligations in relation to a case involving them, may submit an individual claim, in writing or in person, to the Ombudsmen of Wallonia and the French Community of Belgium. 

This claim can be submitted in writing to the following address: 

Médiateur de la Wallonie et de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
Rue Lucien Namèche, n°54 
B-5000 Namur

Contact persons
Updated on :
Process n° : 1495 (nostraId = 141663)
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