Increasing water distribution rates in one or several municipalities


Do you want to increase water distribution rates in one or several municipalities? You must obtain Wallonia's agreement before changing your rates.

Key points

The water distribution rate is based on two concepts:

  1. the true-cost of distribution (TCD) which includes production and distribution costs and the catchment fee.
  2. the true-cost of treatment (TCT) which includes the costs for wastewater collection and purification.

Your request cannot be based solely on the concept of the TCD.

In detail
Target audience - details

The process is designed for municipalities and operators that distribute water in Wallonia.


Regulating requests to increase rates guarantees fair and equitable pricing for all Walloon residents. As a neutral and independent organisation, we take into account the needs of operators as well as the economic reality for water consumers. The objective is to find the right balance in order to set rates at an acceptable level.


The procedure

  1. you submit your application by email.
  2. once your application is complete, we will send you confirmation of receipt
  3. we solicit the opinion of the Water Control Committee (WCC) and the SPW Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment (SPW ARNE)
  4. we draft a decision proposal which is sent to the competent minister
  5. the minister rules on the request
  6. you receive the minister's decision by registered letter
  7. we communicate the new pricing to you by the first day of its application at the latest

Analysis of the application

We analyse the application based on four key areas:

  1. review of the current rate and the requested rate;
  2. analysis of the context indicators compared with previous years and compared with the situation of other distributors;
  3. review of compliance with legal obligations;
  4. analysis of the performance indicators and their development in relation to the targets defined as objectives to be achieved.

The decision

When the minister makes a decision by the prescribed deadline (60 days from receipt of the complete application), this is binding, meaning that you are required to comply with it. The authorised price is a maximum price that cannot be exceeded.

If no decision has been made by the prescribed deadline, you can apply the requested price increase.

Water regulator
+32 81 33 42 70
Updated on :
Process n° : 4140
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