Special aid – Producing a financial report (e-report) for research and development and innovation aid


Financial aid is one of the main tools used by the Walloon region to achieve its goals in terms of technological research, development and innovation.

Within the context of aid for research, development and innovation, the debt report is the document used to inform the administration of expenses incurred during a given period of time and a specific research agreement.  

As the expenses incurred differ depending on the research project that has been conducted, this section refers to special aid.

Key points

You may return a debt report as long as you have first returned a technical report explaining the progress of the research for a given period of time.

In detail
Target audience - details

Any entity (company, research centre, institution) that has signed an aid agreement for research, development and innovation with the Walloon region.


How to do it

  1. First, upload an expense statement. This statement, which is drafted in accordance with the type of aid granted, is found at the bottom of the relevant page. The table below will help you to select the correct file. 


Expense statement


Win4Spinoff, Win4Doc BEWARE, First Spin-off and RPR

Win4Spinoff, Win4Doc, Beware, First, RPR e-report

Win4Spinoff, Win4Doc, Beware, First and RPR explanatory note

Win4Expertise: Patents, Studies, Technical Support and Strategic Marketing Advice

Win4Expertise e-report*

Win4Expertise (Patents and Studies) explanatory note

DIFST Dissemination

DIFST e-report

DIFST Dissemination explanatory note

Assessors (POC and maturity funds)

General Aid e-report

General Aid explanatory note

Assessors (patents)

Patents e-report

Win4Expertise (Patents and Studies) explanatory note

Assessors (university experts)

Assessors – University Experts e-report

Assessor (Experts) explanatory note

Assessors (company experts)

Assessors – Company Experts e-report

Assessor (Experts) explanatory note

*For this statement, you must follow the following instructions: (1) download the file, (2) go to the "Downloads" folder on your computer, (3) right-clic on the downloaded file, (4) select "Properties", (5) go to the "General" tab, (6) check the "File trust" box in the "Attributes" line, (7) click on "Ok"

       2. It is then necessary to complete this statement with the expenses incurred during a given period of time (six months). If necessary, an explanatory note is also found at the bottom of the page.

       3. When this file is completed, it must be sent at the same time as the debt statement, as indicated in the explanatory note, by email to the Financial Management Department or my personal space: Personal space (wallonie.be) 

NEW: from January 1, 2025, if you do not wish to send your debt statement by email, it is possible to submit it from My Space counter. All the useful information related to this change can be found in the explanatory note below (Useful documents). Your previous files will not be lost and you will still have an acces to them.


These practical terms are linked to a precise financial control procedure and a clear definition of the eligible expenses summarised in a guide, which specifies the budgetary structure for research aid agreements and the supporting documentation associated with these. It also specifies the flat rates that are applied as part of the agreements, in order to simplify the justification of expenses.

This guide, which is known as the guide to eligible expenses, is strictly enforced. The research agreement signed with Wallonia explicitly refers to the applicable version of the guide.

Inspection and payment procedures

The expense statements are subject to consistency checks and targeted inspections. After this, any comments are sent to you. Once the inspections have been performed, an official email is sent to you to inform you of the amount to be paid. The determination of this amount will depend, in particular, on the advance received at the beginning of the research (working capital), the amount of expenses accepted during the period being analysed and the time frame for these expenses in relation to the duration of the research.

Budget-expenditure reconciliation checks and cross-checks (‘multi-project beneficiary’) are also carried out. Moreover, on-site inspections make it possible to check the accounts and verify that the items presented have been settled appropriately.

Inspections may be carried out for as long as the research file remains active and result in corrections to the previously accepted sums.

To download
Contact persons
Deveux Marie 
Massaux Eric 
Financial Management Department
Financial Management Department
Updated on :
Process n° : 3709 (nostraId = 146244)
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