Receive the services of an Employment Development Initiative in the Informal Care for social purposes sector (IDESS)


An IDESS (Employment development initiative in the informal care for social purposes sector) is a structure that offers informal care, such as DIY and gardening, to Walloon citizens. It also offers services for vulnerable people, such as a social taxi, a laundry and a solidarity shop.

Their objective is to meet needs that are too small to interest conventional companies.

In detail
Target audience - details

IDESS services are aimed primarily at vulnerable persons. Some services are also available to small ASBLs and the general public. 

People in vulnerable situations

By definition, these are people living in Wallonia:

  • entitled to income support (RIS)
  • with an annual net taxable income, according to the latest tax assessment, not exceeding €29.043,34 for a one-person household and €38.627,64 for a household. You must add €4.066,07/year per dependant.
  • or recipients of assistance granted by the public centre for social welfare (Law of 2 April 1965)
  • or persons covered by the Law of 5 July 1998 on the collective settlement of debts
  • or beneficiaries of enhanced health care insurance.
  • or aged over 65 on the date of their application for IDESS assistance.
  • or recognised as suffering from a disability by the AWIPH, the "Vlaams Agentschap voor Personen met een Handicap", the "Service bruxellois francophone des Personnes handicapées" or the "Dienststelle für Personen mit Behinderung".
  • or recipients of a replacement or integration allowance (Law of 27 February 1987 on allowances for people with disabilities)
  • or in possession of a certificate from the General Directorate for People with Disabilities of the Federal Public Service Social Security for the granting of social and tax benefits
  • or at least 66% permanently unable to work
  • or declared at least 66% permanently unable to work by a court decision following a common law accident
  • or in possession of a disability certificate issued by their insurer or by the INAMI
  • or meeting the definition of a single-parent family whose gross monthly income does not exceed €1,740.15 and which receives ordinary family allowances.

People in non-vulnerable situations

Under certain conditions, people not living in vulnerable situations can use the services of IDESS for certain services (see terms).  

Small ASBLs

Under certain conditions, small ASBLs can use the services of IDESS for certain services (see terms).  


You benefit from informal care at a concessionary rate (see conditions). 


To use the services of an IDESS, first make sure it is recognised by consulting the list of recognised companies. Then contact the company concerned to discuss the practical details of the services you require.


The rates and limits of the services offered by IDESS depend on the type of service and the status of the beneficiary. Service limitations may include, for example, restrictions on the surface area of green spaces to be maintained or the maximum number of annual hours allocated to each type of service.

Legal references
Updated on :
Process n° : 4323
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