Obtaining certification as a service provider within the framework of Innovation Vouchers


1) Technological voucher service providers

  • approved research centres within the meaning of the Decree of 3 July 2008 concerning support for research, development and innovation in Wallonia, as amended on the date on which this regulation came into effect;
  • research centres which have a cumulative legal personality and satisfy the definition of a college department within the meaning of the aforementioned decree.

2) Intellectual property voucher service providers

  • the OPRI (the Belgian Intellectual Property Office)
  • PATLIB centres, as recognised by the EPO (European Patent Office)
  • Firms of patent lawyers that employ patent lawyers approved by the EPO
  • Qualified Patent Information Professional (QPIP)
Key points
Since 1 January 2018, only service providers who are certified for the eligible costs for the Technological Voucher and/or Intellectual Property Voucher, in accordance with Article 10 of the Decree and Articles 12 to 14 of the Decree, may carry out services.
In detail
Target audience - details

The ‘Innovation voucher’ comprises two vouchers:

1) Technological vouchers

The ‘Technological voucher’ makes it possible to increase synergies between Walloon SMEs and certain approved research centres (CRa) and certain research centres that are linked to a college, with the goal of developing a new product, process or service that requires scientific validation.

2) Intellectual property vouchers

The ‘Intellectual property voucher' allows Walloon SMEs to find out whether their invention can be patented, or if there is a risk that someone will object to it. The ‘Intellectual property voucher’ allows the beneficiary to get help from experts on these matters.

Service providers within the framework of innovation vouchers must be in possession of a certificate issued by Wallonia (FPS EER).

  • The certified service provider can act on behalf of beneficiaries within the framework of Innovation Vouchers via the business cheques platform.

The application must be submitted via the certification platform.  

The administration uses a quality-reference system to analyse the application. This reference system includes elements of information and skills, as well as concrete commitments in terms of the quality of the services.


To be certified for Innovation vouchers, the service provider undertakes to:

1) comply with all the Walloon government decrees, orders and ministerial decrees concerning business cheques, more specifically, Innovation vouchers (see legal framework)

2) comply with the descriptions of the Innovation voucher(s) (Technological and/or Intellectual Property) for which the service provider is requesting certification

3) identify the different individuals who play the following roles within its legal entity: 

  • Authority contact: an individual who can make commitments on behalf of the company (through their role or via delegation), manage contacts and submit requests for vouchers 
  • Reference contact: an individual who can initiate and complete the request for a voucher by submitting it to the authority contact for validation 
  • Information contact: an individual who can access requests and records in read-only format 
  • Expert contact: an individual, or individuals, with the technical expertise to carry out services. At least one expert contact must be certified per legal entity (cf. 4) 

One individual may adopt several different roles. 

4) certify at least one expert contact to ensure the quality of the services and the completeness of the documents submitted via the business cheques platform. The certified expert contact must be referenced in any requests for assistance

Furthermore, to be certified for Technological Vouchers, the service provider undertakes to:

5) declare an average hourly rate (salary and benefits) for each type of role (junior/senior researcher, technician, analyst, worker, etc.) for a period of one year, with an annual update on the anniversary date of the certification. The service provider bills for the services provided on the basis of this hourly rate (average hourly rate framework is available)

6) use the standard templates, or ensure that their content is included in the documents provided:

  • ‘Technological voucher – detailed report’ template 
  • ‘Technological voucher – detailed quote’ template

7) limit the invoicing of flat-rate costs (general and administrative costs) to 10% of the amount of the service, excluding VAT and flat-rate fees, with a maximum ceiling of €1,000 per service

8) limit the invoicing of depreciation to equipment (or parts of equipment) that is not funded by public funds (Walloon region, FWB, the European Commission, etc.)

Legal references
Updated on :
Process n° : 3816 (nostraId = 146212)
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