Do you want to open a zoo in Wallonia? Are you a pedagogical farm that wishes to expand its activities by accommodating exotic animals?
If you become a zoo, you must be accredited by us.
What is a zoo? It is an establishment open at least seven days a year to the public where live animals belonging to non-domestic species are kept and exhibited. This also includes animal parks, safari parks, aquariums and specialised collections. Circuses, travelling shows and commercial establishments for animals are excluded.
In Wallonia, in order to protect animal welfare, the Code of Animal Welfare provides for mandatory accreditation for certain types of establishments. This is the case for zoos.
It is SPW ARNE (Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment) and in particular the Directorate for Quality and Animal Welfare (DQBEA) that analyses your application for accreditation and issues you with accreditation if you comply with the conditions.
A Walloon Zoological Parks Committee is also consulted. Its members are experts recognised for their studies on or specialised skills concerning the behaviour of animal species, animal housing conditions or educational aspects in zoos.
Participating in research and education... There are many conditions which a zoo must comply with before it is able to open. See all the detailed conditions below.
Remember also to ensure that everything is in order regarding the environmental permit.
Our team, along with members of the Committee, will come and carry out an accreditation check of your facilities. The accreditation is valid for 10 years.
Once you have received your accreditation, you will also be inspected by our teams, who will check that you are complying with the conditions.
The accreditation application costs:
- EUR 250 if the park holds fish or similar animals
- EUR 500 if the park holds mammals, birds and reptiles
See below for the procedure for applying for accreditation as a zoo in Wallonia.
You want to open a zoo in Wallonia.
You are a natural person or a legal person operating a zoo or a natural person or a legal person on whose behalf the zoo is being operated. You have a company number with the Banque-Carrefour des Entreprises (BCE).
The application may be made in French or German.
In stages
The zoo’s application for accreditation must include the following:
- Name and address of person responsible (natural person)
- Overall map of the zoo
- Animal collection plan
- Copy of the environmental permit
- Copy of the contract with a veterinarian approved for supervising animals (see the template available in ‘Useful documents’)
- Proof of payment of EUR 250 or EUR 500 fee.
You may request the annulment of a decision by applying to the Council of State [Conseil d’État] either:
- electronically, at the following address
- by registered letter, dated and signed, to: Conseil d’État – Greffe – Section du Contentieux administratif – Rue de la Science, 33 – 1040 Brussels
You must submit your request within 60 calendar days from the date of notification of the contested decision. It is up to you to set out in your application the ‘grounds’ for your appeal, i.e. the rules of law that have been infringed by the decision and the way in which they have been infringed.
Sending an application for annulment does not suspend the effects of the decision. Therefore, if there is an urgent matter that is incompatible with the processing of the case for annulment and if there is a serious argument that is clearly likely to lead to annulment, you may apply to the Council of State for the decision to be suspended. Requests for suspension may be submitted before, at the same time, or after the application for annulment is sent.
In exceptional cases and under special conditions, you may also request suspension of the decision as a matter of extreme urgency.
Applications for annulment and requests for suspension are valid only if they contain certain annexes and information. For details, please refer to the coordinated laws and orders/decrees mentioned below and available on (‘procedure’ section).
Each appellant must pay a fee of EUR 200 (amount as at 7 June 2017) in principle per request / application by means of a bank transfer form which will be sent to them after the appeal has been received. There is currently no deadline for making the payment; the amount can therefore be paid any time before the close of proceedings.
The conditions are laid down in Walloon Government Order (AGW) of 24 July 2018 (MB 12/10/18), which also transposes the Zoos Directive (Directive 1999/22/EC). The aim of the ‘Zoos Directive’ is to strengthen the role of zoos in the conservation of biological diversity through the following requirements:
- Participation in research, training and exchange of information relating to the conservation of species, reproduction in captivity and the reintroduction of species into wild habitats
- Promotion of education and raising public awareness of biodiversity and species conservation
- Preventing animals from escaping and any potential environmental hazards
- Animals kept under conditions that meet their biological and ethological needs
- Keeping of registers
- Perimeter fence around the park
- Accommodation designed and maintained to ensure the safety of the animals, the public and staff
- The public are not allowed to have any contact with the animals unless an exemption has been granted
- Feeding of animals by the public forbidden unless an exemption has been granted
- Shelters in place to protect animals from adverse atmospheric conditions
- Stimulate varied and natural behaviours (enrichment plans may be required for certain species)
- Social structures are respected (solitary/group)
- Standards established for each species, including fixed dimensions and other housing requirements If the standard is not defined for a particular species, a request to keep them must be made in advance
- Sufficient and competent staff (conditions may be laid down regarding the number of staff and necessary training)
- Food adapted to each species, prepared and kept under good hygiene conditions
- Competent staff to check on the animals at least twice a day: care, welfare, etc.
- State of enclosures to be checked regularly: cleaning, disinfection, enrichment, etc.
- Visits, advice and reports from a veterinarian on contract
- Medical care room provided for veterinary interventions
- Possibility, for each species, for an animal to be isolated and quarantined for veterinary reasons
- Safety of the public ensured (pens, signage, emergency room, serum, firearm, etc.)
See the ministerial decrees under the ‘Legal references’ section. These lay down minimum standards for keeping mammals, birds and reptiles in zoos.
For example, there are conditions that must be met regarding:
- Surfaces and volumes of outdoor and indoor enclosures
- Height
- Minimum temperatures
- Surface area of pools
- Special requirements (e.g. facilities for animals to hide, dig, climb, etc.)
- Draw up a contract with a veterinarian to take care of the health, welfare and behaviour of animals
- Set up an ethics committee to examine aspects relating to ethics and animal welfare within the zoo. The committee must consist of at least:
- a representative of the zoo’s management
- a veterinarian on contract
- a representative of those looking after the animals
- Draw up a collection plan listing all the animals intended to be housed in the zoo, according to the zoo’s strategy and theme
- Draw up an overall map of the park and a detailed plan showing the function and size of each enclosure and room
- Provide information to the public on:
- dangers and animal aggressiveness
- no feeding
- educational information boards with at least the scientific name and common name of the animals
- geographical distribution
- biological characteristics and ecological context
- IUCN conservation status
- provide a written educational programme for schools
- forbidding physical contact (unless an exemption exists)
- during performances: information on behaviour in the wild and commentary (opinion of the Walloon Zoological Parks Committee required for certain species)
- feedback from the public (suggestions box)
- Breeding and species conservation programme:
- participation in research and the exchange of information on species conservation
- participation in and cooperation with international exchange and breeding programmes
- no uncontrolled breeding (we can draw up a list of species for which breeding is prohibited)
- no hybrids (except with scientific justification)
- Keeping of registers:
- entry and exit of animals and full inventory
- reasons for and duration of isolation of an animal by the zoo manager
- situation identified during visits by the veterinarian on contract, reasons for and duration of an animal’s quarantine
Accreditation may be suspended or withdrawn.
If a zoo does not have accreditation or if it no longer complies with the conditions, access to the zoo or to part of it may be prohibited. Furthermore, the zoo will not be able to acquire new animal species until it complies with the conditions.
Before taking any decision, our directorate will give the operator and manager of the zoo the opportunity to be heard. At this hearing, you may be assisted by an adviser and can see your file. You have 15 days to provide us with your written statement of defence. At the end of this period, we will send a report to the Minister.