Applying for an investment allowance for lorry equipment

  • You are a company (natural or legal person);
  • Your company owns, or is creating, a business unit in Wallonia;
  • You make investments in lorry equipment intended to reduce energy consumption or noise emissions.

Wallonia may grant you an allowance, regardless of the sector in which you operate, for transport on behalf of others or yourself.



Key points

Investments concern new equipment for vehicles of EURO VI standard or above with a maximum authorised mass greater than 3.5 tonnes. The only eligible equipment is shown in a table on the intervention application form. The maximum admissible costs and amounts of assistance are specified.

Invoices are admissible provided that they are issued between 01/01/2023 and 31/12/2025.

The maximum allowance amounts are:

  • €10,000 per vehicle (lorry, tractor, trailer or semi-trailer).
  • €100,000 per company for the eligible invoicing period (2023-2025).

The Decree of the Walloon Government of 14 September 2023 implements the investment allowance for lorry equipment for the invoicing period from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2025.

This scheme was published in the Belgian Official Gazette on 4 December 2023, from this date a decision to award or refuse the allowance may be taken.

In detail
Target audience - details

Any company (any individual or legal entity) with a vehicle for which road tax is due in Wallonia.


You must submit the intervention application form and its annexes:

  • within four months of 4 December 2023, the date on which the Decree of the Walloon Government of 14 September 2023  concerning incentives for equipment that reduces the energy consumption and noise emissions of a vehicle for 2023-2025 was published in the Belgian Official Gazette;


  • within four months of the date of the last invoice concerning the equipment, if this date is later than 4 December 2023 (if your last invoice is dated 31/12/2025, the deadline for submitting your application is 30/04/2026).

For large files, 'WeTransfer' can be used.

You will receive confirmation of receipt. After the application is reviewed by the administration, you will be informed of the decision to pay an instalment of the allowance.

To facilitate the processing of the files and avoid the re-encoding of data, it is recommended that you:

  • download the ‘Equipment table 2023-2025 template’ Excel file from the ‘Forms’ section of this procedure;
  • encode the data in the ‘Lists to be completed’ tab (one sheet for all vehicles and equipment, without leaving empty lines between different vehicles);
  • save the file with the following name format: ‘company number equipment table 2023-2025’;
  • to print the table, select the area with completed cells (cells $A$1 to $M, etc.);
  • print the selection;
  • affix the seller’s stamp and signature to the printed table;
  • attach the table to the hard copy of the allowance application, in place of boxes 3 and 4.;
  • and at the same time, send the file to the following email address:

The supporting documents to be provided by the user are mentioned on the application form and the explanatory notes (which can be downloaded in the ‘Useful documents’ section of this procedure).

Appeal procedures are always provided if the assistance is refused. There are no costs associated with applying for the assistance.

Every effort is made to process applications within a reasonable period, which may vary depending on the potential complexity of the case file, requests for additional information and, where necessary, requests for the opinions required to assess the allowance and the available budget of the assistance scheme.

You may contact the Administration directly for help with your administrative processes.

All applications for assistance must be completed in French or German.


To receive this allowance, you must satisfy all the following criteria as a minimum:

  • have or create a business unit (site, place of business, branch, etc.) in Wallonia;
  • install equipment that reduces energy consumption or noise emissions on a vehicle;
  • not have received incentives under the Decree of 11 March 2004 concerning regional incentives for small and medium-sized enterprises, the Decree of 11 March 2004 concerning incentives intended to encourage environmental protection and sustainable energy use or the Decree of 11 March 2004 concerning regional incentives for large companies, for the same investment;
  • declare, by means of a sworn statement from the company manager, that the latter complies with fiscal and social legislation and regulations;
  • provide, by means of a sworn statement from the company manager, a list indicating the de minimis assistance received over the last three years preceding this application for assistance.
Investment programmes department
Phone hotline from 9 am to 12 pm: 081/33.37.60
Updated on :
Process n° : 2420 (nostraId = 141770)
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