Sitting an exam before the central jury to obtain management knowledge and access to a regulated profession


Any small or medium enterprise that wants to perform commercial or artisanal activities on Belgian territory must prove that it has the relevant entrepreneurial skills, namely:

  • basic management knowledge (for any activity);
  • professional skills (for 26 regulated activities).

Entrepreneurial skills can be proven with a diploma or professional experience.

For individuals who do not have the training or professional experience required, they have the option of taking an exam before the central jury.

This exam may cover basic management knowledge or the professional skills corresponding to each regulated activity.

If successful, the interested party receives a certificate that will be accepted as proof.

In detail
Target audience - details

These exams are aimed at individuals who want to provide entrepreneurial skills to a small or medium enterprise, by performing commercial or artisanal activities on Belgian terrirtory.

The SMEs concerned may be individuals or legal entities.


If successful in the exam, the interested party receives a certificate that is accepted as proof of their entrepreneurial skills.


To sit an exam before the central jury, the applicant must first complete the registration formfor the required exam.

They must attach a copy of both sides of their identity card to this form and pay a registration fee of €35.00.

This registration fee must be transferred to:

  • Account: BE43 0912 1502 6801 (BIC: GKCC BE BB)
  • opened in the name of: Service Public de Wallonie – DGO6 – Department of Economic Development – Place de la Wallonie, 1 – 5100 Jambes
  • Communication: Surname – First name – 5-digit exam code (example: 20090 for the basic management knowledge exam)

The applicant then receives a written invitation, which is sent by post and specifies the exam date. Therefore, it is not possible for the applicant to choose an exam date online.

They then sit the exam and, if successful, receive a certificate that is accepted as proof of their entrepreneurial skills.

Any applicant who fails the professional-skills exam must wait at least three months before sitting a new exam for the same activity.


No minimum legal age is imposed for sitting the exam.

Central jury secretariat
Secrétariat du jury central - Tél. : 081/33.42.53 - 081/33.42.55
Updated on :
Process n° : 2686 (nostraId = 141619)
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