Approval as a “social economy initiative” is granted by Wallonia to a CPAS, or a group of CPAS, an ASBL or a company with a public-service vocation, with a view to supporting the implementation of a social project via the socio-professional integration of unqualified workers, by means of an activity that produces goods or services.
We draw your attention to the fact that:
- Obtaining approval as a “social economy initiative” is a prerequisite for obtaining approval as an “integration company”.
- Organisations that are approved as a social economy initiative submit a business report to the administration for each year, no later than 15 July of the following year.
The following are eligible for approval as a “social economy initiative”:
- Companies with a public-service vocation, that is, companies with statuses in line with Article 661 of the Companies Code.
- Non-profit associations (ASBL)
- Public social-welfare centres (CPAS), or groups of Public social-welfare centres
In addition, the applicant organisation must comply with the principles of the social economy, that is:
- the service must be aimed at the community or members of the community, rather than making a profit;
- managerial autonomy;
- a democratic decision-making process;
- people and work must take precedence over capital when distributing income.
Approval as a “social economy initiative” enables the hiring of SINE workers, as well as the benefit the increased subsidies outlined in Article 60 Section 7.
Approval as a “social economy initiative” is granted for a period of two years. It may be renewed for a period of four years, before being renewed for an unlimited period.
When an organisation no longer satisfies one of the criteria for approval that have been outlined above, the approval may be suspended or withdrawn.
- The application process:
Within two and a half months of receiving the complete file, you will receive the Minister’s decision by registered letter.
Pursuant to the laws on the Council of State of 12 January 1973, “a request for annulment (and possibly suspension) of the decision may be filed with the Council of State within 60 days from the date of the notification or knowledge by the applicant of the contested act. This appeal is filed by means of a signed and dated request, which is sent by registered letter to the clerk at: Conseil d’État, rue de la Science 33 to 1040 BRUXELLES”.
Where applicable, a complaint may be filed with the shared ombudsman of the French Community and the Walloon region, in accordance with Article 12 of the cooperation agreement concluded on 3 February 2011 between the French Community and the Walloon region, concerning the creation of a mediation service that is shared by the French Community and the Walloon region, to which consent was given with the Decree of 31 March 2011.
This claim can be submitted in writing to the following address:
Médiateur de la Wallonie et de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
Rue Lucien Namèche, n°54
B-5000 Namur
Once the file is complete, it is analysed to assess its eligibility.
The Minister or their deputy makes a decision within 30 days. The decision indicates whether the approval is granted or refused. A notification of this decision is issued within 15 days of its receipt by the administration, by means of a registered letter.
Validation of the file:
To obtain approval as a "social economy initiative" or to renew this approval, you must complete the online form, which is only available via “My Space”.
The user submits their application for approval as a social economy initiative via “My Space”. The form is signed electronically. In light of this, “My Space” is linked to the ID card of the person who signs the form.
The supporting documents must be attached directly to the electronic form (extract from the central police records dated within the last six months for all administrators, managers, agents or other individuals who are authorised to work on behalf of the company, including for each member of the board of directors, as well as a description of activities and the CV of the managerial staff).
There are no fees associated with this procedure.
The only language that can be used for this process is French.
Within 15 calendar days of the application for approval or renewal being sent, you will receive either:
confirmation of receipt, specifying that the file is complete, where applicable notification of the documents that are missing from the file and an invitation to complete the file within 15 calendar days of receiving this notification. This period may be extended once, up to a maximum of 30 calendar days. If the file is incomplete once this deadline has passed, it is rejected.
You can benefit from approval as a "social economy initiative” if:
- your organisation is a legal entity
- its registered office is located in Wallonia
- it is incorporated under one of the following forms:
- Companies with a public-service vocation, that is, companies with statuses in line with Article 661 of the Companies Code
- Non-profit associations (ASBL)
- Public social-welfare centres (CPAS), or groups of Public social-welfare centres
- In addition, your organisation complies with the principles of the social economy, namely:
- the service must be aimed at the community or members of the community, rather than making a profit;
- managerial autonomy;
- a democratic decision-making process;
- people and work must take precedence over capital when distributing income.
- Your organisation produces goods or services and supports an economic project with a social purpose, in particular, through the socio-professional integration of unqualified workers.
- An unqualified worker is a worker who does not have a diploma for higher secondary education at the time they are hired and who is registered as a job-seeker,
- You offer technical, training and social support to these unqualified workers
- Your organisation may not be in violation of the legal or regulatory provisions pertaining to the performance of your activities
- Your organisation may not have debts to the State, the French Community, the region, the FOREM, Arbeitsamt der D.G, the Walloon Society of Social Market Economy (SOWECSOM), the National Office of Social Security, or a security fund
- Your organisation must have an accounting function that is linked to the project or accounting that complies with the minimum standardised accounting plan
Individuals who are authorised to work on behalf of the approved social economy initiative may not:
- be legally prohibited from performing such functions
- be held liable for commitments or debts from a company that has become bankrupt within five years prior to the application for approval or renewal
- be deprived of their civil and political rights
- have been convicted of any fiscal or social crime, or with respect to legal and regulatory provisions concerning the exercise of the social economy initiative, within five years prior to the application for approval or renewal
- The Decree of 20 November 2008 concerning the social economy
- The Decree of 20 October 2016 concerning the approval of social economy initiatives and the approval and subsidisation of integration companies
- The Decree from the Walloon Government of 24 May 2017 concerning the execution of the Decree of 20 October 2016 concerning the approval of social economy initiatives and the approval and subsidisation of integration companies
- The Decree of 20 November 2008 concerning the social economy
- The Decree of 20 October 2016 concerning the approval of social economy initiatives and the approval and subsidisation of integration companies
- The Decree from the Walloon Government of 24 May 2017 concerning the execution of the Decree of 20 October 2016 concerning the approval of social economy initiatives and the approval and subsidisation of integration companies
- The Decree of 20 November 2008 concerning the social economy
- The Decree of 20 October 2016 concerning the approval of social economy initiatives and the approval and subsidisation of integration companies
- The Decree from the Walloon Government of 24 May 2017 concerning the execution of the Decree of 20 October 2016 concerning the approval of social economy initiatives and the approval and subsidisation of integration companies
- How do I access Mon Espace? - Company WITH Belgian company number (CBE)
- How do I access Mon Espace? - Company WITH Belgian company number (CBE)
- How do I access Mon Espace? - Company WITH Belgian company number (CBE)
- How do I access Mon Espace? - Company WITHOUT Belgian company number (CBE)
- How do I access Mon Espace? - Company WITHOUT Belgian company number (CBE)
- How do I access Mon Espace? - Company WITHOUT Belgian company number (CBE)