Un entrepreneur wallon représentera la Belgique au concours européen Ideas from Europe!

Ce 2 octobre, Julien Penders a remporté la sélection belge du concours européen Ideas from Europe avec la présentation de "Bloomlife", une entreprise spécialisée dans le suivi de la santé des femmes enceintes.

9 candidats venant des 3 régions étaient en lice pour cette sélection organisée par le Service Public Fédéral Economie, les Régions wallonne, flamande et bruxelloise. Ceux-ci ont défendu en 3 minutes leur projet en Anglais devant un jury et un public varié composé de l’administration publiquedes agences de développement économique, d’organismes de soutien aux entrepreneurs et start-ups et du secteur bancaire. Les critères suivants ont été évalués: qualité de la présentation, viabilité économique (existence d'un marché), caractère innovant, impact sociétal et son inscription dans le cadre des objectifs des Nations Unies pour le développement durable et son caractère transposable dans d'autres pays.

Suite à la délibération du jury et aux points attribués par le public, sont arrivés en tête:

  1.  Julien Penders -Bloomlife
  2. Guillaume Wegria - Fyteco
  3. Philippe Merilla - Tridea

Le gagnant représentera donc la Belgique lors de la demi-finale du concours « Ideas From Europe », un événement TEDx organisé en partenariat avec la Commission européenne, qui aura lieu à Tallinn (Estonie) en novembre prochain. Le vainqueur de la finale bénéficiera d’un accompagnement dans le développement de son activité (notamment en matière d’accès au financement).

Vous trouverez ci-dessous le descriptif des projets portés par les entrepreneurs wallons:


Bloomlife is a women’s health company focused on improving the health of moms and babies.

The biggest determinant of lifelong health is the period from conception through the first 1000 days of life. Yet pregnancy and postpartum remain the land that science forgot. Technology used in the hospital has not changed in forty years. Technology used at home is unreliable or simply unavailable. Moms-to-be crave more information. Doctors crave better evidences. Data to fully understand health and well being from fertility to pregnancy to postpartum simply does not exist for either party.

Bloomlife changes that.

Bloomlife combines connected devices with data analytics to deliver personalized guidance and reassurance to moms, and better information to improve clinical decision making for doctors. Our first product is the world's first clinically validated smart pregnancy tracker that automatically tracks and counts contractions. It puts clear, accurate information at a woman’s fingertips. With help from communities of Moms, Bloomlife’s long-term mission focuses on sourcing the largest data set on maternal and fetal medicine ever collected to help researchers solve unanswered questions like preterm birth, and help clinicians make better data-driven decisions about care.

Made & More

Made & More is a Belgian fashion brand based in Belgium. Our mission is to offer sustainable fashion items, made in Europe with love and passion with total transparency on who made the clothes, with respect for the people and the environment. Products are available online via our web shop and offline via pop-up stores. Every 2 months we open a popup store in a different city during one month in order to let the customers touch and try.

Fashion is a glamorous and fascinating industry, it is also one of the most polluting. Pesticides spilled, liters of water wasted and polluted, labor overexploited to manufacture more, faster, for the lowest price. Do we have to stop buying? No. However, we can be conscious of the situation and decide to consume otherwise. How? By knowing the designers, the craftsmen and workers who make fashion.

At Made & More we focus on total transparency and traceability on the products with a QR code printed on each label which allows the consumer to see the place of production. We believe we can relocate the textile industry by offering products exclusively made in Europe, at a reasonable price to be accessible to the greatest number of people.


Opinum is a Belgian ICT company that aims at improving the environmental and energy management of buildings. It has developed Opisense, a Data Integration Platform that analyses energy and building environmental data.

Opisense connects to a wide variety of IoT sensors and Building Automation Systems which are already present or newly installed.

The system automatically generates customized reports and provide intelligent analytics, in order for property managers to save time and resources while increasing the comfort of occupants.

Our customers can witness up to 60% in time efficiency and 35% in environmental impact using the Opisense platform.

Our product has proven records in Belgium with references like Proximus, AG Real Estate, the City of Louvain-la-Neuve, Total, etc. and his now in an expansion phase several new customers in France, Luxemburg and the Netherlands.


Pour information, une première édition de ce concours s’est déroulée en mars 2016 (http://tedxbinnenhof.com/). Cet événement s’inscrit plus globalement dans le cadre de la promotion d’idées nouvelles portées par des entrepreneurs pour répondre à des défis sociétaux globaux (environnement, santé, etc.).


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